Have up to 6 clients and 3 destinations on a single ride
Ability to add additional stops to a ride after it has been completed
Track Trip Types - i.e. Medical, Grocery Shopping, Social, etc. - You create a taylored list of Trip Types that works for you
Schedule one-way, round trips and/or split trips - split trips allow you to assign one volunteer going and a different volunteer for the return trip
Automatic calculation of distances
Keeps track of each clients "Favorite Destinations" (where you have taken them in the past)
Ability to give volunteers permission to "Self-Assign" where they can log into Assisted Rides and assign rides to themselves
Generate recurring rides for an entire month in seconds
Automatic email notifications when ride is scheduled
Display Google map of each trip
Generate turn-by-turn directions for each trip
Supports organizations with their own vehicles (i.e. vans) using paid drivers or volunteer drivers
Supports organizations that use taxi companies to provide rides
Link clients and volunteers who have a personal connection
Block clients and volunteers who do not get along
Track "Completed", "No-Show Client", "No-Show Driver", "Canceled" trips and more
Apply the cost for each ride (optional)
Other Forms of Assistance & Volunteering
Create a tailored list of the different forms of assistance your organization provides - i.e. in-home visits, minor home repairs, etc.
Create a tailored list of the different forms of other kinds of volunteering - i.e. boardmeetings, office volunteers, etc.
Create entries for forms of assistance performed by teams - i.e. ramp building, youth groups doing yardwork, etc.
Add agency owned vehicles, and assign them to available requests the same way you assign Volunteers
Capture Pre/Post-Trip Inspections for your vehicles with customizable questionnaires
Track Fuel Logs for your agency owned vehicles
Drag-and-drop assignment to vehicles available on the Scheduling page
Delivery Programs: Create and save routes, clients, and delivery requests for your programs, and configure them as you need, with starting locations, estimated delivery times, and more
One-time Deliveries: Useful for creating a seasonal route that you need to plan and delivery items to specific clients
Shuttle Routes: When you have shuttle vans going to specific destinations, you can create the Shuttle Routes that automatically optimize the pickup route
Create inventory categories to track specific items that are loaned to people
Track the history of specific inventory items, like wheelchairs, and shower chairs
Lend items indefinitely, or with an expected return date
Outreach Programs
When your volunteers are working independently with your clients, you can create Outreach Programs to allow the Volunteer to easily track their time and/or mileage
Volunteers can be linked to many Clients, for example a Call Tree
Outreach Programs can be configured to give Volunteers permissions to create requests, log notes, or record phone calls with their clients
Volunteers can be giving Assignments when you need them to contact their Clients immediately, and you can track who has not been contacted
General Features
Member Lookup - A quick summary of a client or volunteer showing rides scheduled, other forms of assistance, emergency contact information and much more
Mobile Device version - Able to log into Assisted Rides using your iPhone, Android or other smart phones while on the go
Display pictures of your clients and volunteers
Track language preference of clients and volunteers
Capture client conditions - i.e. Uses a Walker, Hard of Hearing, etc.
Create "groups" you want to report on - i.e. veterans, legally blind, etc.
Group destinations for reporting purposes - i.e. show how many rides provided to multiple outlets of a grocery store chain
Built-in email function allows you to "shotgun" emails to your staff, volunteers and clients
Volunteer calendar - allows you to create calendar entries when volunteers are not available - blocks you from assigning them rides
Capture "source" - how did a client learn about your program: newpaper, word-of-mouth, etc.
Public and Internal notes - Public notes are seen by your drivers; internal notes are for your office workers only
Can be configured to be HIPAA compliant
When setting up volunteers you can indicate what days of the week they wish to volunteer
Specify any time constraints a volunteer has for each day of the week
Link clients and volunteers to the congregation where they attend service
Agency Calendar - allows you to create entries when your office is closed (i.e. Christmas, New Years, etc.) and will block scheduling rides on those days
Volunteer Log - allows volunteers to log volunteer hours themselves - i.e. log in-home visits, boardmeeting attendance, etc.
Reporting Features
Extensive reporting capability giving you the ability to report by:
Client, Volunteer, County, City, Ethnic Group, CDBG Groups, Age Range, Trip Types
Member Groups (i.e. Veterans), Destination Groups (i.e. Medical organization with multiple clinics)
Congregation, Destinations, Inactive Clients, Forms of Assistance, Low Income